After purchasing the vehicle three services was done at Mangalore Dealership where I had purchased the bike, after that I found a nice mechanic Mr. Pradeep at Kasaragod and rest of the services was done by him. RE specifies to change the oil and oil filters at every 6000 KM but I am changing it with every service i.e every 3000Km, it cost around Rupees 1150 including labour charges. Apart from these regular services no major work came still bike running smoothly and giving 50KMPL. Clutch cable was broken at 6000KM and replaced cable still still running, around 12000KM bike start to make strange vibrating sound around 2500 RPM and at last I found that the fuel tank neck was broken and it leads to make sound., due to this cannot keep fuel tank full, this problem is still not fixed waiting sunny day for to fix it. Rear brake shoe was replaced at 14500KM. Around 21000KM ignition key and speedo meter light found loose connection it was cleaned now working OK. After that welding point of catalytic convereter inside the bend pipe was broken and it was welded. Chromium quality was not up to the mark silencer and leg guard shows signs of rusting. Now bike odo meter shows 22831KM front disc pad almost worn out and has to be replaced. Only extra fitting in my bike is a pair of root horn.

Useful review. Is the fuel tank not replaceable under warranty? Any engines noises you have faced like tappet or valve noise?
Royal Enfield gives warranty for 10,000KM or 12 months from the date of sale... so i my TBTS is not under warranty.
Good review and glad that you are enjoying your TBTS long rides.
I have Philips H4 Xtreme 60/55 (80% more light) bulb which is a direct fit (no mods needed).
For horn I am confused which one should be best/direct fit for TBTS.
1. Bosch WindTone or Air horn
2. Pulsar dual horn
3. Hella horn
Thank you Saurabh,Is Phillips H4 Xtreme directly fitted to original holder? how much it cost?
And regarding horn Personally I don't like Air horns because too much louder. I didn't tried hella. Pulsar horn is good one but I don't like it because sound identity. so i choose roots. If you are fitting dual tone (twin horns)it's better to use relay to protect your control switch.
Philips H4 Xtreme 60/55 (80% more light) cost me around 850/- pair in Kolkata. It is not sold separately but quality of light is excellent and also have the same bulb in my WagonR.
As per your advice, bought a Roots (smartone) and found satisfactory result. But somehow I liked the Dual Pulsar Horn in my Karizma maybe because dual horns are better sounding. Will experiment later by adding another horn.
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